Monthly Archives: November 2015

If You’ve Been Away From TV Or The Movies For A While…

From the Chateau: here’s what you may have missed: miscegenation is rampant. mostly one kind: white women with black men. also, the boob tube landscape is filling with mystery meat kids. grrlpower is on steroids. women run corporations, the military, … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Hits Hillary Clinton For Hypocrisy on Border Walls

Is Donald Trump reading Steve Sailer? From Breitbart: Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is calling out Hillary Clinton for supporting a protective border wall around Israel while also opposing a protective wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. “It is clear that … Continue reading

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How Homeland’s hunky hit-man Peter Quinn told us what our leaders just don’t dare say about ISIS and Islam

Katie Hopkins writes: Don’t tell me. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear the attacks in Paris have nothing to do with Islam. Because here’s the rub. Any man shouting Allahu Akbar as he blows himself … Continue reading

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Ilya Lozovsky: I’m a Russian-born American Jew. My people’s rejection of Syrian refugees breaks my heart.

He can’t conceive that there might be any other perspective but his own. Any other viewpoint is bigoted and racist. From the WP comments section: * Maybe it’s because no one thinks or ever thought that the Jewish refugees from … Continue reading

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‘Suspect in shooting of Tulane medical student identified’

Picture of the Suspect Euric Cain: Picture of the good Samaritan Peter Gold (Jewish): REPORT: Man Shot After Confronting Man Robbing Woman New Orleans, LA – A man shot in the abdomen attempting to thwart an armed robbery in the … Continue reading

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