Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Stupid Party

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The Case For & Against Semitism

A Jewish friend tells me: I especially liked P.R. Stephensen’s assessment of Anti-Semitism. The more of them I read, the more I understand the ADL’s desire to suppress what they have to say. If looked at dispassionately, it will be … Continue reading

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The UC Lesbian Mafia

Comments: The U. of California system has an Old Lesbians Network among the administrators, such as the UC Santa Cruz president who jumped off the highrise of her girlfriend (for whom she had gotten a $180k job with UC). * … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews tackle enraged man outside Melbourne synagogue

Australian conservative columnist Andrew Bolt writes: As I have warned many times, Jews will be the losers in the re-tribalism of Australia: A man screaming “go back to Israel” and “swear to Allah” had to be forcibly pinned to the … Continue reading

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Mean Girls

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s hard to deal with these sorts of girls, because they take a small scale personal conflict and escalate it into a societal issue and rope as many others into the drama as possible. They … Continue reading

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