Daily Archives: October 21, 2015

Would I Give Up Blogging For A Wife?

Luke: I don’t think I could take you coming every week, I’d be too jealous of your celebrity. Friend: We are both celebrities in our own worlds. FYI, I’m not enjoying your Twitter style retweeting on fb. Don’t be such … Continue reading

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Heartiste: Future President Donald Trump Was Right About George W Bush: He Was Partly Responsible For 9/11

From the Chateau: Steve Sailer unearths video of presidential candidate and ur-cuckservative George W Bush deriding “racial profiling” and calling for less scrutiny of Arab airline passengers eleven months before 9/11. Attaboy, W! For this, Steve earns the Shiv of … Continue reading

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Heartiste: Obesity Is A Form Of Female Abandonment

From the Chateau: A hefty part of the reason for the high divorce rate has to do with the female version of marital abandonment: obesity. When a girlfriend or wife gets fat and, ERGO, unattractive to her boyfriend or husband, … Continue reading

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What’s The Point?

All Jews (as well as all blacks, Muslims, whites, Japs, and all peoples and countries) are in a boat. If a tiny number of your people are hacking holes in the boat, and they are not stopped, we all sink. … Continue reading

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