Daily Archives: October 18, 2015

How Many People Convert To Orthodox Judaism Each Year In The USA?

I believe that conversions through Sephardic rabbis Gavriel Cohen and Samuel Ohana often run to $5,000, and through other Batei Din (Jewish law courts) about $2,000 all told. JewishHomeLA.com: Rav Gavriel Cohen, who heads a beis din near Hancock Park, … Continue reading

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Don’t Employ Arab Construction Workers, Chabad Rabbi Says

This advice seems like common sense to me. FailedMessiah reports: Chief Rabbi of Kfar Chabad Meir Ashkenazi has released a public letter calling on residents, who are almost all Chabad hasidim, to stop employing Arab construction workers until the current … Continue reading

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Converting To Judaism, Former Porn Star Jenna Jameson Advocate For Israel

From YNETNews.com: Israel is receiving support and encouragement from an unexpected source these days following the ongoing wave of terror across the country: Former adult film star Jenna Jameson has become an ardent supporter of the Jewish state and is … Continue reading

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Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger Charged With Taking Bribes

Rabbi Gavriel Cohen of Los Angeles is also charged with taking bribes. Rabbi Cohen told me today via email that these charges are “unfounded.” Reactions in the Los Angeles Orthodox community seem evenly divided between those who are surprised by … Continue reading

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How Do I Improve My Social Status?

A friend told me today I should go to Jerusalem and get stabbed by an Arab. It would help my reputation in the community and be good for my career. Later in the day, he gave me a modified Heil … Continue reading

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