Monthly Archives: October 2015

White Autogenocide Is A Massive Loss Of Frame

From the Chateau: Framing and reframing are core Game concepts that every Chateau guest should by now understand and have internalized. The topic has been discussed frequently here at CH, and deserves that level of scrutiny because framing has broader … Continue reading

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Republican Elites Settle On Marco Rubio

Steve Sailer writes: After the 2012 election, the GOP Brain Trust decided the highest priority was to run a Presidential candidate who was obviously all on board with electing a new people. Granted, mostly old white people vote in Republican … Continue reading

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American Stupidity

Steve Sailer writes: Commenter notsaying observes: We [Americans] are still strikingly unable to process the thought that changing facts on the ground re immigration may require a change in our laws and regulations — as well as our expectations and … Continue reading

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A YouTube account is rewriting Disney tunes to be racist

From Fusion: There’s a song in the movie Mulan, “I’ll Make a Man Out of You.” You’ve probably heard it; it begins “Let’s get down to business! To defeat the Huns.” In the ultra-conservative parody version rewritten by Uncuck The … Continue reading

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The Brilliance Of Obama’s 2008 Race Speech

Charles Murray writes for NRO’s The Corner in 2008: “I read the various posts here on “The Corner,” mostly pretty ho-hum or critical about Obama’s speech. Then I figured I’d better read the text (I tried to find a video … Continue reading

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