Monthly Archives: October 2015

The War On Noticing

I assume that people of great holiness don’t pay much attention to sports and to the news. TV and the practice of religion, for example, are antithetical. The more you do of one, the less you’ll do of the other. … Continue reading

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No Regrets

I’ve had no regret about converting to Orthodox Judaism, even as I have grown to understand the depth of my brokenness that led to the drama I created (in myself and around me) as I undertook all sorts of contradictory … Continue reading

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Diversity As A Threat To Confidence

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian in Australia and Northern California, it never occurred to me in my first 18 years that there might be a religion more true than mine. I had no doubt that Anglo Protestants produced … Continue reading

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Steroids & Republicans

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I recall [Tom] Wolfe saying once that either in college or grad school, he roomed with one or two pre-med guys and they always had Gray’s Anatomy lying around. He said that he basically memorized … Continue reading

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Wimpy White UCLA Anthropologist: “I’ve Never Been So Disgusted with My Own Data”

From the New York Post: Americans make racist assumptions based on names, study finds By David K. Li October 7, 2015 | 9:42am Americans draw racist conclusions about people they’ve never met just by learning their names, according to researchers … Continue reading

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