Monthly Archives: October 2015

Jews, Judaism & Gun Control

In the light of recent American shootings and renewed discussion about gun control, I researched Judaism’s attitudes to gun control. As I expected, Judaism does not have a clear position on gun control (or any almost any contemporary political issue … Continue reading

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Forward: Why We Shouldn’t Accept Rabbis Who Marry Non-Jews

This seems like an excellent strategy for all peoples who want to preserve themselves, including whites. Can you imagine the uproar if whites published these sentiments about preserving their own group? Jane Eisner writes: At some point, however, inclusion leads … Continue reading

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Is There Nothing That Elites Can’t Do?

If elites can convince much of the world to celebrate same-sex marriage, then is there nothing they can’t do in shifting basic moral values. Does anyone seriously think that if elites were against same-sex marriage, we would have same-sex marriage? … Continue reading

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How Do We Have Same-Sex Marriage?

Comments: I am simply baffled by the remarkable transformation in Western culture for it to have happened. When I was a young man (and I’m not that old now), homosexuality was widely perceived as perverse. I even played a very … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Feminism

From the Chateau: Recall the two demonic motivations of feminists: To teach women to be second-rate men rather than first-rate women. To remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality. Feminism is about women who are low … Continue reading

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