Monthly Archives: October 2015

Reddit RedPill: Summary Neil Strauss

Link: Neil Strauss, author of “The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists” has decided that he needs to absolve himself of the “sins” he committed against womankind by conducting an interview with The Guardian and advertising his Beta … Continue reading

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Neil Strauss Trades the Game for the Truth

Joshua Rotter writes: The now-happily married father of one is only too eager to share his discoveries about life and love in his new book, The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships, which he’s promoting at a Litquake brunch on … Continue reading

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Neil Strauss Is Back

From Slate: Reviews of The Game were haughty and dismissive, pointing out how inane PUAs’ routines are, accusing them of puerility and alienation, and noting, accurately, that these Lotharios seem far more wrapped up in one another and their “community” … Continue reading

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‘His book The Game made him a fortune, but left Neil Strauss in treatment for sex addiction. Ten years later, he’s a changed man, he tells Tom Lamont’

The Guardian: Around 2010, he met and fell in love with a Mexican-born model named Ingrid De La O. She was perfect, Strauss thought, their relationship together “the best I’d ever had”. Yet he found he couldn’t stop pursuing other … Continue reading

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Struggling With My Demons

From three years ago:

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