Monthly Archives: October 2015

Voting Republican For Israel

J.J. Goldberg writes: Today you’re invited to join me in a thought experiment. Assume for a moment that you’re the sort of American voter who puts Israel’s safety and welfare first when deciding how to vote. Let’s go further and … Continue reading

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Women In Tech

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Women aren’t interested in tech the way guys are and are still slaves to fashion in professions where talent counts for everything. So of course men won’t take them seriously, really if they are concerned … Continue reading

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Paul Ryan’s Two Decades Support For Open Borders

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Last summer, Paul Ryan put out a book as a means of testing the waters for a presidential bid. He appeared several times on WIBC, the major NeoCon/Cuckservative talk radio station in Indianapolis and an … Continue reading

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Adventures In Orthodox Judaism

I brought a secular Jewish friend to an Orthodox shul years ago. The rabbi asked my friend why he came. My friend said my name. The rabbi couldn’t hide his dismay. Mike Wallin: “I brought a friend from work to … Continue reading

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Where Do You Get Your Self-Esteem?

I asked my last GF (who was 40 and whip smart and accomplished and a 6-7 in looks without make-up), what percentage of her self-esteem came from her looks. She said, “100%.” When I’m in a healthy state, connected to … Continue reading

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