Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Big Short

Comments to the Steve Sailer blog: * I saw the trailer for the upcoming film of Michael Lewis’s “The Big Short.” It looks like the movie will attribute the surge in demand to blond strippers who own 6 houses. * … Continue reading

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David Brooks: “House Republican Caucus Is Close to Ungovernable”

Steve Sailer writes: With awareness of Paul Ryan’s Wisconsinan naivete about immigration policy * suddenly threatening his ascent to Speaker of the House, David Brooks complains in the NYT: The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. Personally, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steve Gutow: 4 Things the Jewish Community Needs To Be Called Out On “Rabbi Steve Gutow is outgoing president of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. This op-ed is excerpted from his keynote address October 11 to the JCPA Jewish Community Town Hall.” Our ethics and our texts and our experiences require … Continue reading

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Is Race Biological?

Comments to Steve Sailer: I love the links that the Editors give for the “repeatedly “”disproven” idea that race exists. This is a cutting edge article from 2000 in that famous scientific publication, the NY Times. But, we are … Continue reading

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What can we do as Orthodox Jews to drive massage parlors out of our neighborhood?

My FFB friend says: “Flood them with so many dirty Jews, they will be repulsed, and leave forever! Let the rabbis lead the way…” Luke: “Does it hurt your davening that there’s a whorehouse next door?” Friend: “It gives me … Continue reading

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