David Brooks: “House Republican Caucus Is Close to Ungovernable”

Steve Sailer writes: With awareness of Paul Ryan’s Wisconsinan naivete about immigration policy * suddenly threatening his ascent to Speaker of the House, David Brooks complains in the NYT:

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days.

Personally, I was under the vague impression that in a Constitutional republic, we elect members of the House of Representatives to govern, not to be governed.

Of course, a text search does not find the string “immigra” in Brooks’ column.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The Roman nobility thought the same way as those arrogant Texans of yours did when they imported the barbarians only to realize later the barbarians owned them. If they’re lucky the Mexicans will keep some of the snobby Texans around as clowns the same way the elite Romans provided entertainment to their barbarian overlords.

Demographics is destiny.

* Why should the blacks work. They are getting more in entitlements than the Mexican laborers are getting in pay.

Just listen to Lucy…

Lucy: “Well, I only pay $50 a month for rent. It’s supposed to be $600 something, so there’s $550 right there. I get $425 a month for food stamps. I get $150 month to pay my electric bill. I get a cell phone and then I get $100 a month paid towards for water.”
Host: “Do you have any kids, Lucy?”
Lucy: “I have three kids.”
Host: “Does your husband work?”
Lucy: “He’ll work every now and then. Part time. But he doesn’t work very much. He doesn’t feel the need for it.”
Host: “Does he get benefits as well?”
Lucy: “Yeah. Those are family benefits.”

Lucy: “I just want to say while workers out there are people like you that are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us? I mean, I get to sit home, I get to go visit my friends all day, I even get to smoke weed.”

Lucy: “But you know, if somebody offered you a million dollars, no strings attached, would you walk away from it?”

Look at the deal these Cubans (who never even worked or lived in the US ) are getting in Florida.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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