Monthly Archives: October 2015

John Derbyshire, Charles Murray & Immigration

The late Lawrence Auster wrote in 2006: John Derbyshire asked Charles Murray for his views on immigration. Murray wrote him back a point-by-point e-mail, which Derbyshire posted at The Corner. Among Murray’s points was: 3. I am not impressed by … Continue reading

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Cuck-Slapping Charles Murray

From Vox Popoli: Charles Murray has done some genuinely good and courageous work in the past, but with regards to immigration, he jumped several sharks this day: Charles Murray @charlesmurray It could be the 1850s and the Know Nothings. Same … Continue reading

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Washington finally united — in hatred for Donald Trump

Charles Hurt writes July 7, 2015: Finally! A great, unifying figure emerges in American politics to bring the endlessly bickering factions here in Washington back together again. Not since 9/11 has everyone in Washington rallied in such unison as they … Continue reading

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Was Donald Trump Too Nice At The Third Debate?

Comments at the Chateau: * The late Lawrence Auster observed that a major factor behind Mitt Romney’s poor performance was his lack of killer instinct, demonstrated by things such as not pouncing when the opponent exposes a weakness. * Trump … Continue reading

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Best Halloween Costume Idea

Link: “Put on a black beard and a turban, and some bomb-like electronics around your middle under a vest or zip-up hoody, then show people and tell them you invented a clock.”

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