Was Donald Trump Too Nice At The Third Debate?

Comments at the Chateau:

* The late Lawrence Auster observed that a major factor behind Mitt Romney’s poor performance was his lack of killer instinct, demonstrated by things such as not pouncing when the opponent exposes a weakness.

* Trump doesn’t really have strong debate or speaking skills. He’s hoping to get elected based on his TV show popularity, plus the single issue of immigration policy. So I’m not very surprised that he seems unprepared for even softball questions like H1B.

I get the feeling he doesn’t really care about being prepared for policy questions. He thinks he can sit down as president and just wing it, day to day, making snap decisions from the gut. Call this confidence, or call it arrogance.

Every other candidate is owned, OWNED, by lobbyists. Someone who can honestly decide what’s best would be a big improvement, even if we wouldn’t always agree with those choices.

* A few thoughts: 1) Folks whom I have talked to LOVED Trump’s debate performance – consider the possibility that he is moving well into the “Comfort Game” zone of the LTR. 2) Some of Trump’s tweets are so consistently obsessively vicious that they feel Eskimo-ish to me, so consider the possibility that one of the Eskimos on his staff, such as Michael Glassner, is sending the tweets. 3) When confronted, Trump backed down on his “Look at her face” criticism of Fiorina, but it WORKED – people realized that they didn’t want to stare at a plastic-surgery-ed albino-salamander-ette of a President for four years. So tying [possibly Sephardic Eskimo?] Rubio with Ashkenazic Eskimo Phuckerberg might be some JYC passive-aggressive tactic of simply getting the accusation out there and PUBLICIZED. 4) Neither Trump nor Carson are getting into details at all – they’re both dealing strictly in psychologicals – and it could be, not just that they know that the American people are sick and tired of wonks, but also that they themselves are disgusted with wonkishness and want nothing to do with it.

* Also, my understanding is that there were signs of physical warmth between Trump and Carson [N0 H0M0] at the debate, which is a huge sea change in their relationship. Early on, Trump was belittling Carson as only having experience in leading NURSES [i.e. herding cats, as opposed to running with a pack of wolves as their Alpha], but the tenor of the relationship seems to have changed now. And my guess is that when Trump learned of the story of 14-yo Ben Carson stabbing a man in a street fight, Trump might have done a 180 in his opinion of Carson [as being a whole lot more than simply a herder of cats], and maybe now Trump is strongly considering Carson as his VP. Trump spending his formative years at New York Military Academy and Carson spending his formative years in knife fights on the streets of Detroit could tie them together emotionally in a very powerful way [AGAIN N0 H0M0] – in that they both spent the 1960s, as teenagers, studying the Fine Art of K!LLING.

* I think Cruz scares both republicans and democrats a lot more than TRUMP because he is a very smart ideologue who will burn everything down in accordance with his view and his view only while TRUMP is a clever pragmatist who will still do some deals to get things done. The former is a non starter for everyone, the latter at least they have some hope they can hang on to something.

* Cruz is playing it smart. He knows he’s not getting dick in the way of favors from the establishment, so he’s rolling the dice with voters as a renegade candidate, and by not attacking Trump he could end up with a cabinet seat or good favor with a Trump administration.

Cruz has an elfish face and a bit of an annoying voice which will definitely hurt his electability, but he is definitely a very smart guy and if it somehow ends up Trump vs. Cruz for the nomination it is a huge blow to the GOP establishment cucks and a win for all of us.

* I really like Cruz. If he had more charisma, he would be my No. 1. He has solid ideas, and solid conviction, with latter being something very few in Congress (or politics in general) have these days. Also, to my knowledge, he is not surrounded by Eskimos, and has a beautiful family.

I think that Trump needs to freshen his message a bit. He is beginning to sound like an old record repeating the same things over and over, such as “We don’t win any more….”, “Nabisco is moving to Mexico….”, etc. He needs to solidly learn a new area each time he makes a major speech or debate, and hammer it home with conviction. Still, Trump 2016.

* He has done business with Jews and hired Jews. Now he is against immigration, which is the number one issue for Big Jewry. He also opposes much of the neocon agenda in the Middle East, which is the second issue for Big Jewry. Which is why the media Jews hate him and have attacked him for 130 days now.

* It is a real possibility that Hillary will win. It is also very possible that she won’t. No one can claim to know for sure at this point.

Yes, she has liberal Whites and she has non-Whites. But as Steve Sailer has shown, merely a few more percentage points of Whites deciding to vote GOP on election day would mean the GOP candidate wins in a landslide. This is called the Steve Sailer Strategy. Mitt Romney would have won handily had he been able to make just a few more percent of Whites leave home and go to the voting station. Remember how many just didn’t vote.

I have always said that the recipe for defeating the establishment is to be a coalition candidate for Whites: against immigration, but moderate on everything else except crime. Immigration is what really matters anyway, everything else can be solved later.

* Trump’s platform will build a formidable white coalition of voters not seen in ages. Tough on crime and immigration, no need to go all Ayn Rand on “small government” and free trade and tax cuts.

Every other issue is reversible and repairable. Immigration is not*, it is irreversible.

*Unless we deport the millions of children of foreigners who are born on US soil, which would require no less than AH in the White House.

* I almost clapped when I watched a video clip of Cruz’s attack on the moderators’ questions, and I don’t have any particular fondness for him. Rather than take the bait (and fail the shit test), he threw it right back at the moderator and brought the discussion into his own frame, offering a flash of alpha that would otherwise serve him well if he were like that the whole time.

One wonders if he was inspired by Trump’s mockery of Megyn Kelly’s questioning and realized he too could bring the conversation into his own frame.

This an area where Trump might have also impacted the presidential race. In 2012, the candidates entertained the stupidest questions. Now, they might actually call it stupid and mock the moderator for asking it (to the applause of the crowd).

In other words, moderators don’t always necessarily establish the frame anymore; now the candidates can establish the frame if they’re willing, irrespective of the question asked. The same way a man should with a woman.

* Watched a trump speech from Iowa this morning. I don’t really think he’s any different from the other political figurehead puppet masters, but The man is a master of seduction.

He worked the crowd, hard. Called young men handsome and young women lovely. Reframed his lack of knowledge on specific issues as “not playing all his cards” and “hitting the enemy where they least expect it”. Used powerful, simple language.

The dude is a public speaking genius. He had me fascinated. Even the sound of his voice was soothing. Yes, Donald, make me a real and take me to the promised land.

* Trump’s business success is based on making the correct decisions on the big issues, and then delegating the implementation to well chosen subordinates.

In modern politics, that is not enough. The boss needs to master the important details, and he needs to be able to eloquently defend the plan. Until yesterday, had he even read his own plan?

I admit, he’s put his peculiar talents to good use so far in this campaign. He correctly determined that immigration was the most important issue of our time, and he recruited Jeff Sessions to craft a detailed plan. These two wise decisions advanced him from 9th place in the polls to a commanding double-digit front-runner position. Ever aside from immigration, he has shown an uncanny ability to identify the most important issues and make the correct decisions: campaign finance, political correctness, relations with Russia, trade, taxes – (although he’s struggled on taxes, there being no equivalent to Jeff Sessions and Numbers USA ready to craft the details of the populist tax system he instinctively favors. When Norquist, Kudlow and the Wall Street Journal praise your attempt at populism, you know you’ve failed)

He needs to understand, everything he’s done in life up till now is child’s play compared to the task before him. Amnesty and increased legal immigration could destroy America. A war with Syria/Iran/Russia and a continuation of the “refugee” invasion of Western Europe could destroy European Christian civilization. President Clinton/Rubio would be a catastrophe.

If Trump rises to the occasion, however, he could be the greatest American president. Indeed, he could be one of the greatest leaders in the history of European civilization, on par with Themistocles and Urban II. Or he could be a cartoonish footnote in the history of a vanished civilization.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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