Cuck-Slapping Charles Murray

From Vox Popoli: Charles Murray has done some genuinely good and courageous work in the past, but with regards to immigration, he jumped several sharks this day:

Charles Murray @charlesmurray
It could be the 1850s and the Know Nothings. Same fear, same rhetoric, same fascist tendencies. And I don’t use “fascist” loosely.

Mike Cernovich ‏@Cernovich
Fascism in 1850?  Did you have a stroke, Charles? 

Ken Zimmern ‏@KenZimmern
Opposing uncontrolled immigration is not fear, it’s national preservation. Sensible immigration necessary.

zerg_rush ‏@zerg_rush01
why not replace Charles with a cheaper, more eager Eritrean equivalent?

SpookyGoyScaryToy ‏@WorldWarMeme
only thing you can be too conservative on is immigration apparently.Old cucks are wasting rhetoric, they’ve lost

Jack Hanson ‏@jhansonwrites
600k plus Americans died because of Yankee “altruism”. How many millions are going 2 die this time?

Preston S. Brooks ‏@Rebel_Bill
So is this willful blindness or are you signalling that the Koch Brothers have bought you?

Enlightened Cow ‏@bendiestraw
Why is it always the people that live in HUGELY white areas are for diversity and mass immigration? His town is 99% white.

Vox Day ‏@voxday
Not to mention the worst thing about the 1850s, when the Know Nothings rounded up the Jews and killed them at Auschwitz.

Charles Murray doesn’t use the term “fascist” loosely. He uses it ahistorically and incorrectly.


* Charles Murray caught heat from John Derbyshire, Steve Sailer and the late Lawrence Auster some ten years ago as a participant on NRO’s The Corner for saying that he’d rather live in a vibrant Guatemalan neighborhood than a boring white-bread one. It was almost immediately pointed out to Murray that his exurban Maryland town is something like 99.6% White.

* Murray can read. He can look things up on the net. He can see the streams of migrants overwhelming Europe on television station. He ain’t stupid. I just saw on Breitbart yet another beating and rape of a woman by an illegal immigrant. From Honduras. He had been arrested for violent crimes twice, came back over the border twice, the third time he kidnapped a woman and her two year old, beat her and raped her repeatedly. Near Kansas City. I have elderly relatives living there. And young goodlooking girl relatives there. Murray is a son-of-a-bitch. He is now privileged and contemptuous of the ‘stupid’ common people. I don’t care if he wrote The Bell Curve or the Bible, he’s a piece of shit now. As far as I am concerned he’s the Enemy.

* I think it noteworthy: after Murray divorced his Thai wife he married a white woman from solid midwestern stock, apparently of his own hometown. My suggestion: after Murray shook his bout of yellow fever he determined that he didn’t much like asian women that much, despite their legendary sexual charms. Oh, they are quite good for a traipse through a brothel (which is what the entirety of Thailand essentially is for white men), but not something to build a legacy on.

* What good does immigration do for the average person?

If you are a Democrat politician, it is about votes.

If a Republican businessman, you get cheaper labor.

If an immigrant, it’s obvious.

But for anyone else not looking for praise for being so wonderfully tolerant, there is simply no advantage.

So here we are, immigrants being forced on us for the benefit of very few. 98% – the rest of us -get no benefit.

The rest of us will have huge problems with which to deal, high costs, crime, and NO BENEFITS at all.

* Derb isn’t a cuckservative. No cuckservative would have written the article on race that got him booted from NRO — a cuck would have flogged himself for even thinking of it — and you’ll notice he didn’t apologize for it.

But I’m sure he’d freely admit to some cuckservative beliefs in the past. Heck, he’s admitted to being a liberal in the past, such as when he believed that blacks would soon rise to even levels of achievement with whites once they got civil rights and a bit of a boost to get them started. He observed reality and learned from it. One thing I like about Derb is that he’s not too proud to say, “Man, was I wrong back then.”

* The feeling I get about older gentlemanly guys like Murray is that they simply don’t grasp the proportion of the problem. The danger of immigration is entirely a matter of proportion. But people are very bad at applying proportionate thinking to the fate of their nation or culture. So when immigration is at 1% of the population and one defends the fair treatment of foreign immigrants and the vibrancy of the cultural interchange… fine. This absolutely has merit. No culture benefits by being utterly insular. But when immigration slips into the double digits and begins to affect everything about the culture, the livelihood of its citizens, and even the future of the nation as a whole, the old platitudes and bromides just do not apply. And to keep using them only encourages the other side.

* Since jews are for a secure border fence, no black/brown immigration, chemically sterilizing any blacks already in, & a machine gun in every hand, why is that a bad thing? Oh yea they only want that in Israel.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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