Monthly Archives: October 2015

Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision

A Jew challenged me this week: “I fear that only when gentiles find the strength to forbid male circumcision like they forbid even the mildest forms of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) will they find the strength to stand up to … Continue reading

Posted in Circumcision, Diversity, Islam, Jews | Comments Off on Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision

Women Don’t Like Men Who Keep Apologizing

From the Chateau: Recently, in the Washington Beta, an article was published confirming that the CH game advice to never apologize is effective at winning people to your cause. Donald Trump never apologizes for his controversial remarks. Here’s why he … Continue reading

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Host of $10 Million Bat Mitzvah Sentenced to Prison for Stealing Money

From 2013: A body armor mogul who threw his daughter a $10 million bat mitzvah with performances from 50 Cent, Tom Petty, and Aerosmith, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for his role in swindling $200 million from his … Continue reading

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Ethnic Cons

Steve Sailer writes: Back in 2008, this was a nine-days-wonder story about how the Bush Administration had awarded a giant ammunition contract to a couple of Miami Beach stoners, Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz. This was obviously a conspiracy that … Continue reading

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Our Multicultural Future

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Mexican intellectual is Jorge Castañeda perhaps? The Transom had an interesting review of one of his books that seems on point with your post: One of the threads in his book which may have … Continue reading

Posted in America, Immigration, Mexicans, Mexico, Whites | Comments Off on Our Multicultural Future