Daily Archives: September 24, 2015

IQ And Doing Dumb Things

Blog: Once there were 3 classes of birds of a feather: Dumb birds, Smart birds and Genius birds. There was also a genius bird of a different feather hanging around. All summer the genius bird of a different feather went … Continue reading

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NYT: Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes

Strange. The New York Times does not seem to allow comments on this story. New York Times: KANSAS CITY, Mo. — At the request of his probation officer, Tyrone C. Brown came to a community auditorium here in June and … Continue reading

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The Only Way Trump Can Lose

Comments at the Chateau: * Even though the media and punditocracy are doing EVERYTHING they can to bring Trump down, they won’t be able to do it. Only Trump can undo himself, and the only way he can do that … Continue reading

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From Chateau Heartiste: Quoting Peter Sutherland, Goldman Sachs executive and an actual (not euphemistic) Scots-Irish (!): “[The EU should] do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states.” If this isn’t treason worthy of the rope, I don’t … Continue reading

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When Women Hit The Wall

From Chateau Heartiste: With rare exceptions, a song like “Tall Trees in Georgia”, about a woman’s precious few peak pulchritude years on this earth and the risks of riding the cock carousel, would not get recorded or promoted today. Post-1990, … Continue reading

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