IQ And Doing Dumb Things

Blog: Once there were 3 classes of birds of a feather: Dumb birds, Smart birds and Genius birds. There was also a genius bird of a different feather hanging around. All summer the genius bird of a different feather went around to the smart birds of a feather telling them how ridiculous it was to fly south for the winter — that these atavistic instincts were a terrible legacy from “the bad old days” and gave very sophisticated-sounding arguments that the smart birds of a feather couldn’t quite understand but understood quite well that they’d better pretend to understand lest they be accused of being dumb birds.

Fall cometh. The dumb birds fly south to the derision of the smart birds. The genius birds of a feather think, “I’ve heard the arguments about flying south for the winter being only for dumb birds, but where really do these feelings come from? Could they have survival value? Could the genius bird of a different feather have a conflict of interest?” Even before thinking the answers through, the mere doubts raised were sufficient to motivate flying south. The smart birds of a feather, hearing these doubts raised by the genius birds of a feather proceeded to attack them as “dumb birds”. They felt superior to the genius birds of a feather. Some genius birds of a feather were even injured enough to stop them from being able to fly south.

Winter hits. The smart birds of a feather die. The injured genius birds of a feather die. The genius birds of a different feather turn out to have an adaptation to cold weather. Spring comes. An evolutionary dynamic reveals itself…


* so,
dumb birds = proles,
smart birds = liberal elites
injured genius birds = conservatives
genius birds of a different feather = jews.

* James Bowery has written extensively on Jews.

so to decode this parable:
genius = Jews (average IQ 110)
smart = whites (average IQ 100)
dumb = minorities (average IQ 90)

Flying south represents the social disorder caused by Jews in a society. In general, Jews advocate undermining the traditions of white Christians.

* The parable of the smart birds is Edmund Burke’s thesis: no matter how much you think you’ve got it figured out, smart guy, be humble before institutional wisdom and the ways of tradition because they developed over millennia of trial and error.

Or G.K. Chesterton referring to the “democracy of the dead.” Orthodoxy and conservatism seem dumb on the surface to the analyst. New generations inevitably ask, “Why should we do things the old way? I don’t get it.” Well, the deep sources of wisdom that sustain certain customs cannot be grasped easily, but the their integrity is proved by their longevity. At any rate, if we are going to reevaluate old ways with each generation, if some customs are to be discontinued, at very least we should not be discard them lightly. (Hello, Marx! We’re looking at you.) Give the dead a vote:

“Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be [alive]. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition asks us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our father. I, at any rate, cannot separate the two ideas of democracy and tradition; it seems evident to me that they are the same idea. We will have the dead at our councils. The ancient Greeks voted by stones; these shall vote by tombstones.”

The dumb birds go south because they have experienced enough winters to know it gets cold. The dead went through countless more winters than we have, and they established traditions for reasons only accessible by respecting their wisdom.

The smart birds (like “progressive” academicians, who are monolithically leftist) are just smart enough to reject that wisdom, like snotty kids who look down on their dads. They believe they must be smarter simply because they came after the last generation, and they imagine themselves building upon their knowledge base even though they explicitly reject that hard-won knowledge as retrograde. Whatever you want to call that, it’s not “smart.” Which is why, for all the academic credentials of leftwingers, for all their sneering and dedications to the accoutrements of intellectuals, I have never in my life, ever, met a truly smart man of the left. They became arrogant early, decided all issues settled, and stopped learning in their intellectual adolescence.

So, convinced as you are that nothing can be true if it doesn’t sound sciencey, use the trendy language of biology if you must — “evolutionary dynamic,” “adaptation,” “survival value,” etc. But we’ve been on to this stuff for awhile. Just give over to conservatism and you’ll be all right. Trust me. What good is trial and error on a grand scale when the youthful delusions of independence require him to start over every generation?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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