The Only Way Trump Can Lose

Comments at the Chateau:

* Even though the media and punditocracy are doing EVERYTHING they can to bring Trump down, they won’t be able to do it. Only Trump can undo himself, and the only way he can do that is not by becoming politically correct — political incorrectness is his major virtue the electorate loves — but by becoming boring.

Part of being successful in game is never being boring. Shifting frames. Getting the other person to qualify herself. Surprising continuously with conversational turns. Deepening mystery.

The problem with politicians (among many other problems) is that they have to talk about the same things — over and over and over again. Trump is falling into that trap now — it’s the vets, it’s cherishing women, on and on and on.

So called “skilled” talkers — say, a Newt Gingrich or Rubio or Cruz — come up with a shitload of variations on the theme, but they are either narcotically wonkish (Gingrich), schoolboy earnest (Rubio), or robotic (Cruz). They don’t have Trump’s alpha persona, and they never will.

Bottom line, as CH points out, it’s phase 2 — but as well as building emotional attraction, Trump has to get beyond the scripts he’s been relying on.

* Trump has been building plenty of rapport in his actual speeches, which the MSM refuse to show almost any portion of (except when a heckler calls Obama a muslim) for obvious reasons.

I found his demeanor extremely approachable (if fabricated, but they all are) and he actually gets into MORE detail about current events and his policy approaches than other candidates that I have hard.

However, the Media is taking the strategy of “show no clips of Trump explaining policy” and then saying “See, Trump has no details”.

It is a clever way to approach it, and very Alinski-esque. We’ll see if it works.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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