Daily Archives: September 17, 2015

Too Many Europeans Choose the Strong Horse

Anatoly Karlin writes: Often it is the extreme (nut)cases that best illustrate general social maladies. This story encapsulates most of the constituent elements of the decline and fall of European civilization. (1) The wild age differentials. You don’t have to … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter & The Jews

* I count only 6 ‘Trump, Big Loser’ stories on the @politico home page. They’re slacking off. (Mickey Kaus) * “There’s a momentary guilty hesitation, a tell, when Fox personalities (eg Megyn Kelly) gratuitously/insincerely say Rubio was a winner.” (Kaus) … Continue reading

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Immigration Is The Issue

Ann Coulter writes: Today, the fight in the Republican Party isn’t over abortion, guns or the Sandinistas; the dividing line is immigration. Will we continue to be the United States, or will we become another failed Latin American state? On … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter Tweets: How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?

Moshe Smith posts: “It may be true that the GOP candidates are too focused on Israel. . But once Coulter starts talking about F-ing Jews as if they are not full Americans, she crosses a line, and you shouldn’t cross … Continue reading

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Google: ‘Help refugees and migrants in urgent need. Google will match your donation.’

As I was searching for Ann Coulter’s Twitter feed, I encountered this message above from Google. I wonder if Google would ever donate to help host nation’s preserve themselves from Muslim invasion? I wish Google wasn’t subsidizing the Muslim invasion … Continue reading

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