Daily Archives: September 17, 2015

German People Don’t Want the Invasion, Traitorous Politicians Admit as Poll Shows 71% Opposition

REPORT: Despite controlled media coverage pretending that ordinary Germans welcome the nonwhite invasion of Europe, in reality they are opposed to it and want the invaders deported, some German politicians have admitted. The admission has emerged in the infighting aftermath … Continue reading

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Stasi Veteran Will Now Police German Facebook

REPORT: According to Vice Chancellor Sigmar approximately 1 million migrants will arrive in Germany this year alone and Chancellor Merkel says there is no limit to how many they will take in. Politically incorrect Germans who voice their skepticism can … Continue reading

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Prison for man who helped place noose on civil rights statue

Good thing we’re getting tough on crime. Pfft. I wouldn’t want this harsh punishment for someone who did the equivalent on a Jewish symbol or any other symbol. Why would whites treat civil rights activist statutes with respect? “Civil rights” … Continue reading

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Letting In Refugees For Moral Reasons

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Israel imported the Ethiopians in the aftermath of the UN resolution that Zionism was a form of racism. Germany suffered a image disaster with the Greeks ect. Now it mounts a PR blitzkrieg by letting … Continue reading

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Attack Ad Against Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * UK pollster YouGov reported that 92% of Americans feel illegal immigration is a problem. In the disinterested view of Mark Zuckerberg, Trump must be insane to systematically alienate 8% of the electorate. * There is … Continue reading

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