Letting In Refugees For Moral Reasons

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Israel imported the Ethiopians in the aftermath of the UN resolution that Zionism was a form of racism. Germany suffered a image disaster with the Greeks ect. Now it mounts a PR blitzkrieg by letting in people who are obviously going to be a millstone round Germany’s neck . The refugees are being let in for purely moral reasons, Merkel has made it clear

“Those who are not fleeing political persecution or war but are coming to us out of economic need will not be able to stay in Germany. However difficult their personal life may be, this is the truth and we don’t shy away from saying that,” she said.

* Germany is hoping that if she feigns sufficent passion for Ahmet and his extended family, everyone will forget about how cruel she was to Aaron in her youth. Germany is desperately trying to talk herself into something, all the while suspecting that this may not end happily. But Germany doeesn’t talk about that.

* Germany also has Daddy Issues. And a tribe of grief-therapists who characteristically compound the shame father Adolph brought upon his children. Cause of course the point of a grief-therapist is to make sure every bit of grief that money can buy is evoked. And nothing assuages a guilty conscience like giving away a fortune to wretched beggars.

Come to think, maybe the much-anticipated Jewish backlash against settling these ravenous Muslims in neighborly Europe is never going to come, because their grudge about Adolph etc. yet has a more visceral hold on them than the relatively remote possibility that the pitchforks will be coming out, and watching Germany abolish itself cannot in good conscience be opposed. Of course, that would presume that Jews care more about Jewish history than German or French or English history, or that they have a nice and tidy second home somewhere else.

* When I consider how cruelly the Germans murdered and persecuted a nation that was and is, in fact, their closest genetic relations – the Poles – on, believe it or not, the grounds of ‘race’, and also the persecution of the German Jewish population – which was probably the most assimilated Jewish population anywhere, and was in many cases culturally and phenotypically indistinguishable from the German population, then you see German paralysis and stupidity in this present crisis in a different light.

* Mass child abuse over the whole of Western Europe.

1. Children brainwashed from birth by schools and media that being racist is the ultimate sin; and if their parents are SJWs from them too.

2. Predators from certain ethnic groups who specifically target girls around 11-13 years old because they’re easier to manipulate and who specifically use the anti-racist brainwashing as a tool of that manipulation.

3. Adults and institutions from the native population who refuse to protect these girls from these predators – the way they would if the predators were white – because accusations of racism are more important.

* Simon Sheppard writes about a concept called Affection Beneath:

Men love women; women love children; children love pets. You can “love down”, have affection for that beneath you but not above. Women cannot love men like men love women. They can only truly love children and pets.

But in the global pecking order, immigrants are “beneath” European women, somewhat like pets or children. And since they have such animosity towards their own men, it’s like giving the finger to them. And they can “rescue” an immigrant.

I wonder just how long all this would last if there were 500,000 unaccompanied, single reproductive age women pouring across the border that were the equivalent in looks and bodies? “We want our jobs at Jezebel writing click bait!!”

A single woman typically can’t even get a travel visa unless she can prove some sort of tie that binds her back in her country like children left behind and owning a house.

If you want to jump start an economy let about a million single women in. Even better, give them free boob jobs. The local men would rise to the occasion (no pun intended) and find a way to pay for these women, establish households, create all sorts of new commerce. And all without welfare. If the birthrate is so awful, why not import a bunch of “birthers”?

* There’s a pragmatic case to be made against preventing watershed events in history, and that case is always worth making. But in the long run we’re all dead. Only a certain regard for the past is going to make people care about a far-off future that descendants they will never know are going to face, care about it like a duty that has nothing to do with pragmatism. Point being, I don’t think a lot of Jews feel that kind of attachment to countries that have always been Christian, and for so long were proudly Christian. When you think about it, Jews must be in the grip of one very powerful sentiment to not speak up while anti-Semitic hordes barge into their resident countries. I don’t think which sentiment that would be is a big mystery. Jews are famously vested in their own history, which begins with the tradition of a profoundly vindictive God, and Nietzsche said Man made God in his image.

* Germany tried to get out of an abusive marriage years ago, but she got beat up really bad.

Now she suffers from battered person syndrome.

It’s no surprise she is seeking gratification from abusive men below her social class.

* Remember the case of the fake asylum seeker from Africa who knowingly infected scores of Polish women with HIV because, as many admitted, they thought it might be racist to turn him down or wear a condom.

A metaphor for what is going to happen now to Germany?

Simon Mol had been a sports journalist on a free trip to Poland when he claimed political asylum from persecution in both Ghana and the Cameroon, then made a good career out of telling all Poles that they were racist. Really; exactly that.

He was ugly and domineering, the women said. There is also a suspicion that he was attempted to rid himself of HIV by passing it on to others, as African folk medicine suggests.

He rejected requests to take an HIV Test as racist whilst knowing he was HIV positive: “The accusation of being HIV positive is the latest weapon that as an African your enemy can raise against you”.

**When I looked this up a few years ago there were a number of polish blogs that discussed it in English. A Polish newspaper went to Africa to discover what a fraud he was. (He died of HIV eventually.)

* I don’t mind if the old broad gets a new boyfriend AND goes over to his home to hangout. The problem is this old gal wants to bring her new vibrant boyfriend to our neighborhood. He will eventually move in with her and then invite all his cousins and homies to come over and crash. Once that happens, there goes the neighborhood.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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