Daily Archives: September 11, 2015

LAT: Achievement gaps widen for California’s black and Latino students

I wonder if IQ has anything to do with this? The average East Asian IQ is 105, white IQ is 100, hispanic American IQ is 90 and African-American IQ is 85. Howard Blume writes: For more than a decade, state … Continue reading

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Swedish handball team women flash gang signs with Usain Bolt

Source: Now I know some (most) of you looking at this pic felt a blood pressure rise or, at the least, a stirring of disgust. That’s perfectly natural. Seeing women of your race (or tribe, or family) bang an outsider … Continue reading

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Why Women’s Sports Get Less Primetime Coverage

From Chateau Heartiste: Really, the only reason men choose to watch women’s sports at all is for prurient reasons, such as the exciting but rare glimpse of a wardrobe malfunction, or the slo-mo replay of pertly bottomed volleyball players diving … Continue reading

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Women Love Drama

Quoting Kristen Stewart: “I feel boring. I feel like, Why is everything so easy for me? I can’t wait for something crazy to fucking happen to me. Just life. I want someone to fuck me over! Do you know what … Continue reading

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‘The Olympics has destroyed womanhood’

Daily Mail: A Turkish newspaper columnist has been heavily criticised after writing an article which said the Olympic Games is destroying the female figure. The piece – called Womanhood is dying at the Olympics’ – was written by Yuksel Aytug … Continue reading

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