Daily Archives: September 7, 2015

From Stranger to Neighbor

Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit has a recipe for destroying America (but he leaves Israel out of his recipe for national collapse): In every generation we are obligated to see ourselves as though we personally went out from Egypt. The call to … Continue reading

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Judaism and Immigration Reform

Rabbi Jason Rosenberg has a recipe for destroying America: Judaism has something to say about Immigration Reform. And, it starts with Welcoming the Stranger, and Protecting the Weak. Immigration Reform has been a hot issue, these past few months. A … Continue reading

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Frightened Rabbi Wants Her American Citizenship

I find it often helps to see a picture of someone before listening to his ideas. Link Steve Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism: “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in … Continue reading

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Germany’s Role In Sparking The Refugee Crisis

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Thilo Sarrazin’s recent book comprehensively and explicitly underlines the way the previous mass intake of third world labor into Germany happened to be a non-working, welfare chomping economic and fiscal disaster. * In my younger … Continue reading

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Sociologist James Petras Hates Jews

Anybody who’s a socialist before any other identity is going to hate nationalism, particularly ethno-nationalisms such as Zionism, because socialism, almost universally, has historically denied the importance of race and religion in favor of social class. Jews do best in … Continue reading

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