Daily Archives: September 1, 2015

Rename All The Mountains

Brett Stevens writes: Our identity is WASP, which is (in the New World) shorthand for Western European. This population is distinct from Eastern and Southern European as well as outliers like the Irish, who have an Iberian-North African descended strain … Continue reading

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Our Struggle

What we are trying to fix is to avoid being thrown en masse into a pit of death because of the machinations of a tiny tiny number of our tribe. That’s what affiliated Jews call, “self-hating.” When you try to … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: What Do Milwaukee, St. Louis, Baltimore, Washington, and New Orleans Have in Common?

Steve Sailer comments on the New York Times article: What do these five cities with fast growing homicide rates in 2015 v. 2014 have in common: Milwaukee, New Orleans, Baltimore, Washington, and St. Louis? They are all cities where the … Continue reading

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