Monthly Archives: September 2015

The TRUMP Fight Song [unofficial] – TRUMP 2016

Comments to Steve Sailer: * That song has been played at several Trump rallies. It is revealing to observe how the MSM tries to tell us that Trump does not appeal to this or that demographic group, ethnicity or race. … Continue reading

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Australia & Israel Show How To Deal With Illegal Immigrants

Let’s follow their example. Operation Sovereign Borders breaks people smugglers: Not one boat has reached Australia in the past year August 6, 2015 7:00am Daniel Meers The Daily Telegraph The success of Operation Sovereign Borders has forced Opposition Leader Bill … Continue reading

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Weenie Whities Vs Crazy Crackas

Comments to Steve Sailer: Blue-state whites are “Weenie Whities” and Red-State whites are “Crazy Crackas.” …there are three regions where blacks appear to be kept more in line — 1) the Deep South plus the lower Appalachians, especially Tennessee and … Continue reading

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Is birthright citizenship the right policy for the U.S.A. today?

John Derbyshire tackles Linda Chavez’s NY Post op/ed: We have changed our collective mind about all sorts of things that our Constitution and laws once allowed—most notably slavery, of course. Perhaps we should change our minds about this. Is birthright … Continue reading

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L.A. Illegals` Welfare Access: Laura Ingraham Correctly Raises Anchor Baby Issue

From VDARE in 2013: One of the genuine Patriotic heroes of the American Immigration disaster has done it again: A projected $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, county officials said Monday. Supervisor … Continue reading

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