Australia & Israel Show How To Deal With Illegal Immigrants

Let’s follow their example.

Operation Sovereign Borders breaks people smugglers: Not one boat has reached Australia in the past year
August 6, 2015 7:00am
Daniel Meers The Daily Telegraph

The success of Operation Sovereign Borders has forced Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to adopt the policy as an “option” for the next election

20 boats have been turned back since December 2013

‘If boats had got through, more would have tried the journey’

AUSTRALIA has gone an ­entire year without a single people-smuggling boat successfully reaching land.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton yesterday confirmed the milestone, revealing 20 boats, with more than 600 people on board, had successfully been turned around since December 2013.

All boats were sent back to their country of origin.

“We have been able to stare down these evil people smugglers that would trade in bringing people to our country and under Operation Sovereign Borders not to have had a successful people-smuggling venture for 12 months is a very significant outcome,’’ Mr Dutton said.

Last month a Vietnamese boat with more than 40 asylum seekers on board was turned around off the West Australian coast.

Mr Dutton said, had the 20 boats got through, it might have led to up to 2000 boats trying to make the deadly journey, which saw about 1200 people drown at sea under the previous government.

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton.
“It’s why (Sovereign Borders) will remain because we are not going to allow the deaths at sea to recommence,” Mr Dutton said.

“I’m not going to allow detention centres to be refilled by new children arriving on boats — 2000 children were in detention under Labor.”

Under Labor more than 50,000 people arrived illegally on about 800 boats.

The success of Operation Sovereign Borders has forced Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to adopt the policy as an “option” for the next election.

The move split the party at Labor’s national conference last month when deputy leader Tanya Plibersek, senate leader Penny Wong and leadership rival Anthony Albanese opposed the move being written into the policy platform.

Mr Dutton said the split made it questionable whether Labor would turn back boats.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* We should start using rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. They have worked quite well for the Jews in Israel. If a couple folks get killed, it will be a shame, of course, but it can’t be helped. Non-lethal rounds are not perfect, after all.

Also, the Israeli rhetoric that terrorists are “hiding behind women and children” can be used to transfer some of the blame to the smugglers.

Judging from the article you quoted, the Aussies are using similar rhetoric, suggesting that the “smugglers” are killing children.

Reviving the term “snakeheads” to refer to smugglers would be nice. It is a Chinese term translated into English, and therefore is not a “racist” invented term.

* I noticed that when Jorge Ramos was trying to grandstand at the Trump presser, he used that line that you cannot deport 11 million. But then he went further and said you cannot build a fence that is 2000 miles long.

One can suggest that deporting 11 million (probably up to 30 million in reality) would be difficult and might require some tactics that aren’t well suited for the squeamish of SJWs. But building a fence is a piece of cake. Even Trump later on suggested that building a 95 story building would be more difficult than a 1900 mile fence.

The point is the left likes to use what Buchanan referred to as the Theory of Inevitability to get their opponents to lie down and give up the fight before it even begins.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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