Monthly Archives: September 2015

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Story: More than half of the nation’s immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that’s far higher than the native-born population, according to a report to be released Wednesday. About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews For Trump

REPORT: Donald Trump is not only the Republican frontrunner by a large margin, but his dominance and unscripted talk has also earned him some fans in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn. A recent Siena poll showed that Jewish voters … Continue reading

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Jews Getting Blamed For SPLC

Only a tiny number of Jews engage in radical politics, but when they do, they wreak immense destruction (communism and its genocides, for example, as well as the end of prayer in public American schools, the removal of Christianity from … Continue reading

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The MSM’s Ho Hum Reaction To Demographic Displacement

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I love the New Yorker’s cartoons, but I’ve long had the impression when reading its articles that I’m spying on some Upper West Side conversation that wasn’t meant for me. I get the strange feeling … Continue reading

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Manhattan Beach Is Doing Something Right

From the LA Weekly: Manhattan Beach is Venice if it went to college, an idyllic Los Angeles suburb that anyone can enjoy if they’re willing to brave the traffic. Well, maybe not anyone. The city has made it illegal to … Continue reading

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