Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Obama Years

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Obama Years: Wages – down. Budget deficits – way up. Homelessness – way way up. Middle East – in flames. Food costs – way up. Test scores – down. Murders – up It’s like … Continue reading

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MTV Says Black Women Can’t Be Racist

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Fences Are Good For Every Nation Seeking To Stop Illegal Immigration

Steve Sailer writes: You may be wondering why Syrian and Iraqi refugees are pouring into Europe rather than into, say nearby Saudi Arabia. Well, Saudi officials planned ahead. Although the Israelis are the most renown anti-immigrant border fence builders, which … Continue reading

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on BBC Newsnight about the European refugee crisis

Rabbi Sacks says Europe must take in these Muslim refugees because Holocaust. He doesn’t say anything about Israel needing to take in these refugees. He pushes diversity on the goyim while keeping the benefits of cohesion to Jews. I’m not … Continue reading

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30 Rock

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve, per your recommendation, I recently started marathon-ing episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix. Like you said, it’s absolutely hilarious, and chock full of heresies to The Narrative. How did the critics continue to just … Continue reading

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