Monthly Archives: September 2015

A Jewish perspective on immigration reform

“Rabbi Morris Allen serves the Beth Jacob Congregation in Mendota Heights. Vic Rosenthal is executive director of Jewish Community Action.” Our work includes persuading those who harbor suspicions of those wishing to be in America. …We must engage with those … Continue reading

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From Stranger to Neighbor

Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit has a recipe for destroying America (but he leaves Israel out of his recipe for national collapse): In every generation we are obligated to see ourselves as though we personally went out from Egypt. The call to … Continue reading

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Judaism and Immigration Reform

Rabbi Jason Rosenberg has a recipe for destroying America: Judaism has something to say about Immigration Reform. And, it starts with Welcoming the Stranger, and Protecting the Weak. Immigration Reform has been a hot issue, these past few months. A … Continue reading

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Frightened Rabbi Wants Her American Citizenship

I find it often helps to see a picture of someone before listening to his ideas. Link Steve Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism: “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in … Continue reading

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Germany’s Role In Sparking The Refugee Crisis

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Thilo Sarrazin’s recent book comprehensively and explicitly underlines the way the previous mass intake of third world labor into Germany happened to be a non-working, welfare chomping economic and fiscal disaster. * In my younger … Continue reading

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