Monthly Archives: September 2015

Rabbi David Wolpe: The U.S. Has a Moral Obligation to Help Syrian Refugees

Rabbi David Wolpe writes: Indifference is a betrayal of America’s founding mission Moral clarity is important because moral decisions are often difficult. The easy choices that pose no risk—one should contribute to charity, help old people across the street, and … Continue reading

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Rewarding Illegal Immigrants Destroys Host Countries

When Jewish organizations subsidize illegal immigrants to Europe and America, they are destroying Europe and America. Notice how these organizations are not pushing for the destruction of the Jewish state with Muslims who hate it, but they assist in the … Continue reading

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The Pain Of The Watermelon Joke

From the New York Times, a black woman writes: But by the time I was 11 years old, even the smell of watermelon was enough to send me running to the bathroom with my most recent meal returning to my … Continue reading

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High Trust Vs Low Trust Societies

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hungary has been fighting Muslim invasions for over 500 years. Hungary has experienced the conflict and eventual collapse of three multicultural empires, the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Empire. The EU is likely … Continue reading

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Replication Failure In Psychological Research

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I have long wondered whether psychologists’ ideological refusal to recognize group differences undermined the bulk of these studies. They rarely identify the race or ethnicity of subjects and blindly assume that these factors would not … Continue reading

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