Monthly Archives: September 2015

Der Spiegel Praises Islamic Immigration, Commenters Disagree

Check out the comments: * It is the volume of immigrants that is the problem and as soon as they cannot find work and the locals are in the same boat then watch what happens and it will not be … Continue reading

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What’s Good For Muslims Is Usually Terrible For Christians

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Whites in North America and Australia have always understood that the mass migration of Europeans into those places meant the displacement, if not destruction, of those indigenous cultures. Everybody knows that what was good for … Continue reading

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Women Kick Back As A Man Collapses

From CH: Ugly, bloated Western woman dressed in the latest fashion sits idly with look of perplexity as a man in distress collapses before her leaden gaze. She even leans away from him, offended at this breach of protocol. Another … Continue reading

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LAT: Achievement gaps widen for California’s black and Latino students

I wonder if IQ has anything to do with this? The average East Asian IQ is 105, white IQ is 100, hispanic American IQ is 90 and African-American IQ is 85. Howard Blume writes: For more than a decade, state … Continue reading

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Swedish handball team women flash gang signs with Usain Bolt

Source: Now I know some (most) of you looking at this pic felt a blood pressure rise or, at the least, a stirring of disgust. That’s perfectly natural. Seeing women of your race (or tribe, or family) bang an outsider … Continue reading

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