Monthly Archives: September 2015

Welcome To Lieth

A friend says: If you can, go see the documentary Welcome to Lieth, if only for the purety of its SPLC propaganda, right down to the ominous music as it discusses white nationalism. Really appalling. I mean, the guy they … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: TIMSS Test Scores: Would Germany Get More Talented Workers from Syria or Hungary?

Steve Sailer writes: As we all know by now, Germany has pulled off a massive economic coup by importing a brilliant new workforce from Syria (and also from random places where you can buy fake Syrian IDs, but who’s checking?). … Continue reading

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Why Are Feminists Against The Male Pill?

May 14, 2012 by CH: How often have you heard feminists bitch and moan about the responsibility that women must bear for using birth control? You’d think the womb whiners would be happy that a male Pill was tested and … Continue reading

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When Players Marry

From Chateau Heartiste: Players with a lurid, technicolor memory plate filled with many women will find it harder to accede to the straitjacketing of an LTR because of an acute sense of something missing, of what could still be had … Continue reading

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A Big Woman’s Yoga Practice

Hot Friend: Dying over your curvy post but I can’t “like” that! And anyway it’s not feminists that want men to like fat women–it’s fat women! Have you seen the Instagram account biggalyoga? You should.

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