Steve Sailer: TIMSS Test Scores: Would Germany Get More Talented Workers from Syria or Hungary?

Steve Sailer writes: As we all know by now, Germany has pulled off a massive economic coup by importing a brilliant new workforce from Syria (and also from random places where you can buy fake Syrian IDs, but who’s checking?). Soon you’ll be buying flying BMWs designed by genius Merkel Youth. The newcomers are going to work until they drop in 60 years and will gladly pay every rightful Euro in income tax to the German government to support Teutonic oldsters.

In contrast, Hungary is condemned to backwardness.

But what do we see if we look at the 2007 TIMSS test of 8th graders in mathematics. An awful lot of the tired, the poor, the huddled masses showing up in Germany look like they were 8th graders about 8 years ago.

Back in 2007, Hungarian 8th graders scored the highest in Europe, with 10% reaching the Advanced, 36% the High, 61% the Intermediate, and 91% at least achieving the low benchmark.

In contrast, among Syrian 8th graders in peaceful 2007, 0% scored Advanced, 3% High, 17% intermediate, and 47% low.

So, in the top two levels of math skill, Hungarians outnumber Syrians 12 to 1.

At the bottom, only 9% of Hungarians fail to achieve the minimum Low benchmark vs. 53% of Syrians.

Results were fairly similar in 2011.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Judging from the photos I’m seeing out of Hungary the “cultured, middle class” Syrians don’t even know how to use toilets. I guess it doesn’t matter as long as they know how to clean them, because that’s what they are more likely to be doing in Germany than designing flying BMWs.

* I will add that the Hungarian scores are dragged down by the presence, in their data, of a certain percentage of student who are gypsies.

* When Enoch Powell made his famous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in Birmingham, England, way way back in 1968, he was moaning about no more than 50,000 so-called ‘Commonwealth citizens’ emigrating to Britain *per year*.

* Do Arabs-as opposed to Turks and other groups-actually hire themselves out to others as cheap labor? It seems they work in their own or relative’s shops, businesses and whatever rackets there are and just loiter the rest of the time smoking cigarettes. They appear to be engaged mostly in the middleman sector and prefer not to have non-Arab bosses. Anybody ever see any Arabs on cleanup crews? As has been said many times, cheap labor isn’t cheap; we’re still having problems with our own original cheap labor 150 years after the civil war.

* Syrians will definitely not clean toilets. Did the vikings start to clean toilets once they settled down somewhere on their long raiding trips? In a country you have taken in such triumphal way you don´t clean toilets. They can become mafia bosses, rappers, jihadists, welfare professionals, they can go clubbing, going to the gym. Many will open Shawarma shops.

* For those who think that we should import more high-functioning immigrants, think again. More and more school districts are enacting policies to hold back high-functioning kids until the slow ones catch up. San Francisco banned tracking. They used to require that all 8th graders take Algebra I, but most failed or did poorly, so now Algebra can only be taken starting in the 9th grade. No exceptions.

* They do an awful lot of drug dealing.

I hazard a guess and say that a very sizeable fraction of Lebanon’s apparent wealth – for a country with no natural resources the have a good many mercedes and expensive villas, comes from selling ‘blow’ to generation after generation of dumb over privileged stupid bastard know it all white youths.

* One additional nagging worry is that the countries that are currently fuelling the Sunni side of this ancient conflict – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait – pack even less intellectual firepower that the Syrians.

Funding medieval terror, packing their lunatics off to the West, promoting the most vicious forms of a potent but entirely negative cult and living for today with scant thought about long-term blowback. These are the guys around whom the world pivots?

* Arabs have such a weak work ethic, that rich arab countries (because of oil obviously) has to import millions of workers from India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Compared to an Arab worker, an Indian worker might look to them like a Max Weber-like Protestant ethic personification.

* Polish press is reporting that a Catholic parish took in a Syrian family, as Pope Francis implored. The result: the family absconded in the middle of the night for Germany, without so much as saying good-bye. So much for migrant quotas – if they think they’re too good for Austria or Denmark, why should they be satisfied with Poland, Hungary or Czech Republic if those countries’ GDP per capita is 30% lower? Poland could accept 12,000 ‘refugees’ but within weeks they would make a beeline for Germany. Who’s gonna stop them? Germany is next door, and it’s a long border, not easily secured. Some wag suggested that one way to scare the ‘migrants” away
is to promise the Syrians plenty of jobs upon their arrival in Poland.

Lech Walesa said he’d be more than willing to take in a Syrian family but his wife is less than enthusiastic about the idea.

* Steve posted that the Gulf Arabs should take these refugees since they obviously have the wealth. He cited Qatar and the quarter of a trillion they are spending to host the 2022 World Cup. Here is another example. Dubai built these fantastically expensive artificial islands in the Persian Gulf that can house hundreds of thousands of people. I am sure many of you have heard of these palm islands. Here is an interesting documentary about how they were constructed. If they can do this, they could house the Syrians.

PS. You will note that the guys who designed and built this thing were Europeans/Americans. If the Syrians have such a surplus of engineering talent, as the MSM claims, why weren’t they involved? Apparently the Gulf Arabs think the engineering talent lies not in the Arab world. Additionally the coolie labor that built the islands looks to have been “Asians” as in the Sub Continent variety. If Arabs are such a valuable workforce, why weren’t they involved in building these islands?

Shouldn’t this be a huge red flag to Germany and other western nations that this influx is not some sort of godsend to boost your economy? If they were so industrious surely their fellow Arabs would have used them to build one of the world’s greatest engineering achievements. But instead they used European brains and Sub Continent muscle.

* Republican presidential candidate Jim Gilmore said on Neil Cavuto that he is against The United State government importing refugees from Syria. His two reasons against it are national security, as there might be some ISIL terrorists who infiltrate themselves among the refugees and we will end up with the Syrian version of the Chechen Tsarnaev Brothers.

The other reason he is against it is because there are millions of Americans who are out of work and looking for employment. We should give them top priority over poor unemployed foreign refugees from Syria. In other words look out for Americans first. The same way the Japanese look out for the Japanese first, the Saudi Arabians look out for the Saudi Arabians first, the Israelis look out for the Israelis first, the Kuwaitis look out for the Kuwaitis first, the Emirates look out for the Emirates first, the South Koreans look out for the South Koreans first, etc.

* They grow a lot of opium in Lebanon and it’s also one of the top regions known for counterfeiting currency (EU and American, though I understand Kosovar province is big into counterfeiting now). It’s quite common(at least it was a couple decades ago when I saw the story aired) to find guys walking around with a massive wad of $100 bills in their pocket. It was all phoney though.

Here in Southern CA, a lot of smoke shops are owned by Levantines, oddly enough they never do much business to support even making rent payments. However for money laundering, they work quite well. Thing is, for people with serious nicotine habits they either smokes in bulk over the internet or have a middle-man make a run to a Indian reservation. I know this because used to know guys with $200+ a month smoking habits and they filled me in how they kept costs down.

It was hilarious to listen to them bitch about not having any money left at the end of the month. They never figured it out.

* Israel is 20% Muslim, and they likely have IQs around 88, plus a few Druze and Arab Christians likely around 95, plus some 100-IQ Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, plus a lot of 105-average IQ Russian/Ashkenazi hybrids.

The 110-115 secular Ashkenazi have the lowest birthrate in Israel, even if it may be a little above replacement.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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