Monthly Archives: September 2015

Alan Colmes Interviews Jared Taylor

Link: Editor’s Note: The audio recording of this interview is available here. Alan Colmes: Hi, I am Alan Colmes. I would like to welcome Jared Taylor, founder and editor of American Renaissance. Mr. Taylor, thank you very much for coming … Continue reading

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Do You Want To Limit Immigration To The Cognitive Elite?

I want the Jewish state to be as Jewish as possible. I want Jews to be more than 90% of Israel’s citizens. I want them determining their own destiny. I want them running their own politics, culture, religion and media. … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Europe Is Making a Fatal Mistake

Dennis Prager writes September 15, 2015: Allowing millions of Syrians and others from the Muslim Middle East into Europe will end up a catastrophe for Europe, and therefore for the West. This may be the most difficult sentence I have … Continue reading

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I Grew Up By Avondale College On Currans Road, Cooranbong, NSW

My childhood home in Australia. My mom’s grave at Avondale College: More.

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The Upside Of Trump Winning

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The upside of Trump winning is that if he holds firm, foreign politicians will feel emboldened to defect. And voters will feel emboldened to vote for anti-immigrant candidates. And if Trump can start shifting demographics … Continue reading

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