Monthly Archives: September 2015

Why Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is a Labor Stooge

From The Liberal Party is supposed to be the custodian of Classical Liberalism and Conservatism. Malcolm Turnbull is neither. He is a leftist-progressive and secular humanist, who wants to take Australia in the same general philosophical direction as the … Continue reading

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Who’s Got The Smarts?

Comments: * U.S. Science survey shows men outscore women, republicans outscore democrats, whites outscore blacks. * Merkel shows how just one person and their party can quickly ruin an entire nation, affecting millions of unwilling citizens. Open the floodgates, get … Continue reading

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Stay Strong Hungary!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Stay strong Hungary. It’s too late to stop the current wave, but word will get back soon that Hungary is the route you least want to travel. * It must come as a shock for … Continue reading

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GOP Debate Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It got nasty right away. Trump v Paul then Jeb tried to take on Trump but that didn’t work out too well. It’s certainly been entertaining. Trump’s not too comfortable discussing foreign affairs. * Trump … Continue reading

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A Growing Trend: Vaguely Jewish National Leaders Like New PM Malcolm Turnbull of Australia

Steve Sailer writes: A crucial policy issue for the future of Australia is preventing Camp of Saints flashmobs from influxing into the country, as is currently happening in Europe, and was happening under the previous leftwing government. The conservative PM … Continue reading

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