A Growing Trend: Vaguely Jewish National Leaders Like New PM Malcolm Turnbull of Australia

Steve Sailer writes: A crucial policy issue for the future of Australia is preventing Camp of Saints flashmobs from influxing into the country, as is currently happening in Europe, and was happening under the previous leftwing government. The conservative PM whom Turnbull deposed, Tony Abbott, did a good job of building a humane but highly effective naval blockade to prevent illegal immigrants from coming to Australia by boat.

Australia in recent months has been a light unto the nations.

Nobody seems all that sure what the new PM will do about that.

It would be tragic for the citizens of Australia if some cloakroom politics like this over other issues led to a massive Camp of the Saints in a fit of absentmindedness.

One reason to worry that this former managing director of Goldman Sachs in Australia would be inclined to err in the direction of making Merkel’s Boner is because, coming from a fairly Jewish cultural environment in his home constituency, he’s likely to have been exposed to a lot of unthinking Jewish schmaltz about the glories of mass migrations into gentile nations.

That kind of lowbrow ethnocentric sentimentality shouldn’t be a major problem for setting national policy, except … that nobody is supposed to critique and satirize, or even notice, Jewish biases.

So, a lot of important people who haven’t thought hard about immigration policy assume that all this stuff you hear all the time about “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses” really is the Unquestionable Wisdom of the Ages instead of just being a simpleminded, obviously self-interested schtick that deserves eye-rolls and snickers rather than unquestioning respect.

Here’s a rare example of somebody with enough self-confidence on the ethnic front to make fun of today’s Reigning Schmaltz:

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Jews have no problem getting elected in disproportionate numbers, even in states where they are not a significant share of the population. Idaho, Utah, and Florida, of all places, were some of the first states to elect Jewish governors and senators. Jews are far more likely to to contribute to political candidates, as well, which certainly doesn’t hurt.

Meanwhile people from lower IQ groups, like blacks and Hispanics, are disproportionately less likely to win election to high office. In very recent memory – the mid-to-late 90s – there were no black or Hispanic senators while there were over a dozen Jewish senators.

You don’t even have to look at the extremes to see such difference. For example, there are about 6x as many Baptists (33.8 million) in the USA as Presbyterians (5.6 million), but there are 14 Presbyterians in the US Senate vs. only 11 Baptists. Presbyterians have long been thought of as smarter than Baptists.

Politicians may be sociopathic SOBs, but they are smart, sociopathic SOBs. Groups with higher average IQs tend to be better represented in elective office than groups with lower than average IQs.

You don’t need a conspiracy theory to explain it.

* As an Australian voter the question is would you rather win with Turnbull or lose with Abbott. I very much approve of Abbott but realise that the man just can’t speak in public.

There are really not that many Jews in Australia (100,000ish) and 3 in a Parliament of 226- but they do (naturally) have a large footprint. It is worth mentioning that Turnbull holds one of the only two Seats where Jewish numbers are significant.

* The PEW foundation has a lot to say about “being Jewish”. As I recall, in one of their surveys only 17% of American Jews said they were religious. The rest enjoyed the ceremonies and the (commercial and professional) connections. The connections are crucial, given the ties this can foster and the access this can provide to the rich and the powerful at the local, national, and global level.

I once worked for one of these Jews and saw firsthand how the system operated. He was solidly connected within the Jewish construction industry — shopping centers and urban development, which is where he made his millions. He once told me that he wasn’t religious and didn’t believe all of that “Jewish stuff”. But having the right last name and circulating within the exclusive “Club” without question was the ground for his real estate empire. He also moved with a quiet ease among the Washington political class. A few phone calls could get him anywhere he wanted to go to further those interests. In short, he was JEWISH and he was CONNECTED.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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