Monthly Archives: September 2015

Australia: A Light Unto the Nations

Steve Sailer writes: We are constantly told that it is impossible for a country to police its borders, but Australia doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. First, it stopped cold its boat-borne Camp of the Saints; and now there’s … Continue reading

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Australian Jewish Writer Is Very Sensitive To Asylum Seekers

From The Guardian: …Funder’s first year in New York was spent settling her family in and travelling to promote All that I Am, which was published in 20 countries. She did some journalism and worked for a charity called Icorn, … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups Lead Push To Crack Open Doors to Syria Refugees

If Jews deserve to preserve their people and heritage, which I believe they do, then surely non-Jews such as the Germans, Swedes, Australians, English etc also deserve to preserve their heritage and keep enemy aliens (Muslims, Africans, etc) out. Every … Continue reading

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Blog: Haredi Rabbi says Muslim invasion of Europe is ‘excellent news’ because “Edom” (Christianity) must be destroyed before “Messiah” can “return”

Blog: An extract from a talk by apparently Chabad-associated Rav David Touitou. Full video here. The rabbi says: “The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore I ask you, is this good news … Continue reading

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Europe’s Immigration Disaster

Michael Sheuer writes: The leaders and bureaucrats of the European Union (EU) are fortunate that they have largely disarmed the citizens of EU member states. If the citizens of Europe had personal weapons, all officials at all levels of the … Continue reading

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