Monthly Archives: September 2015

How Do We Resist Illegal Immigrants

Comments to Steve Sailer: * 1. We start by saying that we will never return someone who has fled for their life from their home country to their home country. It would be inhumane. 2. We make an agreement with … Continue reading

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Scott Walker’s Wife Is 12 Years Older

Comment: “I learned that Scott Walker is married to an older woman. A MUCH older woman. His wife, “Tonette”, is a certifiable old hag. He married her when he was 26, she was 38. What a pitiable man he is. … Continue reading

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Girly Boys At National Review Upset With Ann Coulter

David French writes: In condemning pandering, Coulter is using language that appeals to a microscopic slice of the Twitterverse that is obsessed with the notion that the GOP is full of so-called “cuckservatives” (short for “cuckolded conservative”). Who is a … Continue reading

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From Chateau Heartiste: The latest liberal screech-out is high dudgeon over some prankster teenage muslim mud in Texas who brought a “””clock””” to school as a science project that looked suspiciously like a suitcase bomb, and his teacher justifiably freaked … Continue reading

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How Deep Is The Poz?

From Chateau Heartiste: For new readers: “poz” is shorthand for the propagation of culture degeneracy, filth, freakishness, and antipathy toward normal, psychologically healthy humans. The epithet is retrofitted from its original use in the gayfag “bug chaser” sewer, where poz … Continue reading

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