How Do We Resist Illegal Immigrants

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* 1. We start by saying that we will never return someone who has fled for their life from their home country to their home country. It would be inhumane.
2. We make an agreement with a country such as North Korea or the Democratic Republic of Congo, or Sudan to take the refugees. They will be paid $1000 for every year that the refugee remains in the country.
3. Every refugee who arrives will have their application automatically accepted and be immediately shipped to the country from step 2.
4. If any refugee has troubles leaving their country of refuge, we will file protests through official channels with the country from step 2 while holding firmly to our no bribery policy.

* What I hear is Australia is becoming Asian very fast via legal immigration. Asians from India, China, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, every place in Asia but not as many from Muslim nations such as Afghanistan. Most have to pass skills tests? English proficiency? The best thing than can be said is that Australia is allowing in educated Asians while we are the dumping ground for Mexico, Central America and the 3rd world.

I read some Australian propaganda that they must allow in so many Asians to keep ahead technologically. A very high number of Chinese go to university there (similar to the American situation) and how many will return home?

* In Australia there is a large, influential and very noisy leftist minority who are adamantly opposed to the current successful policy that has entirely stopped “irregular maritime arrivals” (to use the official phrase).

The new Prime Minister (Turnbull) tends to share the views of that minority, at least on social issues, notwithstanding he is in (and now leads) a centre-right party (called the Liberal Party, just to confuse our American friends).

Turnbull would most likely restore the status quo ante if he had enough freedom to do so, but he would risk an immediate and violent backlash from his party – and from the majority of the electorate – if he tried it. My money is on his self-interest trumping his heartfelt wish to show all his friends at Eastern Suburbs (of Sydney) dinner parties what a goodwhite he is.

* We have roughly a century of stockpiled firepower, and defense comes down to being willing to use that. A wall or fence is no good if we won’t defend it, the law meaningless if we won’t enforce it. If instead our people are really determined to give their nation away, it really doesn’t matter what the plans are for that. I suppose education about the camp of the saints, and demographics and what they really mean would prove useful, but that is too racist to work.

* The system understands only one language – violence. The rioters of Ferguson were correct and their critics are victims. If you meekly allow yourselves to be robbed, well then you’re going to be robbed. This is the iron way of the world and always has been. Modern justice and democracy are shams that conceal that reality. Any white who doesn’t regard liberals in the same way that inmates in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia regarded their camp guards is a cuck.

* There’s nothing “subtle” about Camp of the Saints flash mobs, so the prophylactic against them cannot be subtle, so it must be absolute: Zero Tolerance. What’s needed is a fifty years long total ban on all immigration.

Bear in mind that no disincentive can work until the sacred cow of Multiculturalism-Diversity as the All-Highest Good will have been exposed, slain, butchered, and incinerated to ashes.

* Americans need to stop being so damn welcoming and friendly to migrants. Some few will genuinely appreciate it and respond in kind. Most will regard it as what it is–a kindness that so readily shades off into weakness. Just altering one’s demeanor, smiling less often and less widely, making less effort to understand mangled English, making no effort to understand any other language–these all have a cooling effect on foreigners. Even the illiterate ones have gotten the memo–Americans are suckers. No need to be rude but any glad-handing should be avoided. NAMS are especially thin-skinned. They also tend to be bullies and you can almost always bully a bully. Formal and not friendly tends to cause them to back away, if not down completely. Migrants who don’t feel welcome are far less likely to tell their families back home to “Come on in, the water’s fine!”

I base these suggestions on my years spent interacting daily with foreigners from all over the world while living in a college town.

* 1. Elect Trump. In the meantime, make it clear to the world that you support Trump. He is hard line, everyone knows it, and he can move the Overton Window.

2. As others have suggested, set a concrete limit on the total number of immigrants that will be allowed into the US per year. Make it known that “migrants” and “refugees” will count as part of that number, thus reducing visas and opportunities for everyone else’s favorite race or interest group.

3. Also as others have suggested, establish one finite budget for assistance to both migrants and Americans. Make it clear to everyone that migrants will be taking from this budget, thus reducing benefits for every other moocher here.

I can imagine points 2 and 3 as parts of a Trump position statement on his website.

4. Set up a processing area somewhere like northern Alaska. It’s cold up there, and all these scumbags who want to invade European Man’s living space come from warm latitudes (big surprise). Let the world and social media know that we have this place ready, and that everyone will be stuck there for a long time while we inefficiently clear them.

5. Make sure they know that a lot of them will be permanently located up there somewhere, where we can say they will have the opportunity to work and make their homes — in northern Alaska, or North Dakota, or the most remote areas of Wyoming (cold and windy.)

6. (Most subtle and tricky of all) subversively facilitate a healthy dislike for the migrant group and it’s ethnicities. I somehow believe smarter people than me can find ways of making this happen. Make it agitprop or psyop or something. It is perfectly okay not to like people. Let’s start now. Get your Hollywood friends to make them villians in movies and TV shows. Produce Borat 2 and make him a terrorist.

7. Publicize images of the mass of “migrants” as they truly are: aggressive mobs of men. STOP PUTTING BABY PICTURES ON EVERY STORY.

* You’d have to act through civil disobedience–violent acts can be easily targeted by the FBI (and rightly so, violence is violence), but clerks refusing to endorse in-state tuition for illegals a la Kim Davis, massive protests and boycotts against employers using illegal labor, and any other ideas I am not clever enough to come up with. Even if they don’t want to enforce immigration violations, if you deluge DHS with (true!) reports of illegal activity someone else can ask why they have all these reports of illegal activity they’re ignoring, and run an expose. Don’t talk about what you would do if you had the levers of power you don’t have (PSAs, building walls, etc.–a wall would work but it will never be built). Work with the levers of power you do. It’s what the Tea Party does.

I saw Gamergate make the feminists blink. Many Americans from both parties are on our side. Let’s see what we can do.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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