Monthly Archives: September 2015

Culture Clash: Understanding The Syrian Race

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Or as a Jewish character in one of John Updike’s novels says, “If we have to have enemies, thank God they are Arabs.” * Want to see Moslem behavior for yourself? Just go to your … Continue reading

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Female Conservative Rabbi Trashes Donald Trump On Yom Kippur

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Ta-Nehisi Coates to Write Black Panther Comic for Marvel

Comments to Steve Sailer: * That actually explains a lot about him. Didn’t he grow up in a gang-infested area of Baltimore? That must have been a terribly stressful environment for a nerdy little kid who was into comic books … Continue reading

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Senator Jeff Sessions Notes That God Told Nehemiah To Build A Wall

From Roll Call: “It’s always dangerous for church leaders to start opining on complex matters of which they haven’t had a chance to learn over the years. I mean, we’ve been wrestling with immigration for 30 years. That’s a lot … Continue reading

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Commentary Magazine: The GOP Is Killing Itself

I love how Donald Trump sorts out the good guys (those who care about preserving America as a nation with strong borders) from the bad guys (the open borders Republican establishment, Democrats, media, Jewish activists, Catholic activists, mainstream Protestant activists, … Continue reading

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