Monthly Archives: August 2015

Cuckservatism Hits The Washington Post

From Chateau Heartiste: Cuckservatism has been mentioned in a major Hivemind propaganda organ, (complete with a fedora-tip to The League of Rascally Whyte Sadists). If you want to know just how far down the cuckhole most Hivemind drones have fallen, … Continue reading

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How Do You Talk To Leftists?

From Chateau Heartiste: Dirty Randy wonders how to evade a typical substance-free leftoid attack. You can see the Hivemind formulating their comeback: “They must be Stormfronters.” What’s the proper way to respond? Ignore and plow? Agree and amplify? A number … Continue reading

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You Look Marvelous, Ladies!


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Mohammed Is Most Common Name For Men In Oslo

Chateau Heartiste explains: “It is very exciting to watch Norway’s White population displaced by Middle Eastern lunatics and Norway’s white women raped by the tens of thousands by these vibrant newcomers.” That’s the thing with race rucks. They ambulate through … Continue reading

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Left-Wing Jew Tony Tabatznik Leads War On Whites & Israel

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The biggest funder of anti white groups is actually Tony Tabatznik, an English/South African guy who founded and sold for hundreds of millions a generic drug company, then started a second one and sold it … Continue reading

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