Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Coloring Book: A Comedian Solves Race Relations in America by Irish-American comic Colin Quinn

Steve Sailer writes: Quinn’s chapter on Jews is particularly worth reading. It begins: I’m cautious with this section, because I know that Jews are the only ones who are actually going to read this book. In his view, Jews dominate … Continue reading

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9% of San Bernardino County Public School Students Are Homeless

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Too many Mexicans and Blacks, they are the source of it. Import enough of them and they’ll degrade any community and drive out productive whites. Why do you think Hesperia and Victorville grew like crazy? … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Immigration, Latino, Los Angeles, Mexicans | Comments Off on 9% of San Bernardino County Public School Students Are Homeless

Texas Christian University Student Punished for Expressing Conservative Views on Social Media

LINK: Students who disapprove of the Baltimore riots or of the blood-drenched death cult Islam risk punishment if they don’t keep their views to themselves at Texas Christian University: TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus activities, ordered him to … Continue reading

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I Am Not Shocked By Terrorism In Israel

I am not shocked when a haredi Jews slashes Jews at a Jerusalem gay pride parade. A gay pride parade in Jerusalem is an affront to traditional Jewish values. I am not shocked when Arabs commit terror against Jews and … Continue reading

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Asabiyyah: What Ibn Khaldun, the Islamic father of social science, can teach us about the world today

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Asabiya will be low if the people had civilization/strong states earlier. Imagine people living under strong states for 5000 years. (Iraq for example) You lived/reproduced more if you bowed down to authority. You and your … Continue reading

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