Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Dying Of The White Light

Comment to Chateau Heartiste: It’s simply impossible for whites to thrive when there are too many minorities around. If we want to reach the heights of civilization, to visit the moon again, to colonize mars, to automate cars and have … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Demographics of “MONEY’s Best Places to Live 2015”

Steve Sailer writes: Keep in mind the magazine gives bonus points for diversity, eliminates any place at least 95% white, and excludes very wealthy towns. And it’s all pretty subjective to allow for novelty needed to sell magazines. But, still, … Continue reading

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“Marriage, Happiness, and Voting Republican: Pick 3”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Most single people are disgruntled and unhappy, and therefore willing to try anything to fix their profound unhappiness. And if those wild attempts fail, they will accept the consolation prize of ruining others’ happiness. Flood … Continue reading

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The Future

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Straight Outta Pico

Link. Miriam Lilian D Or I am looking forward to someday watching “Straight Outta Pico, the Luke Ford story”. I hope I’m played by Catherine Zeta Jones. Chaim Amalek So they have NWA, and whites have Wagner. Is there really … Continue reading

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