Monthly Archives: August 2015

Donald Trump & The Jews

Peter Brimelow writes: Donald Trump has come under intense attack for his stance on immigration. But, for those who remember, it is significantly less intense than the barrage that met Pat Buchanan when he ran for President. One obvious but … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Carlos Slim’s NYT Again Concern-trolls GOP

Steve Sailer writes: “How many times over the years have I read this same article? This may come as a surprise to the editors, but relentless repetition doesn’t make it more sincere.” NYT: Republicans thought they had learned a lesson … Continue reading

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What Inspired Donald Trump’s Immigration Jihad?

Steve Sailer writes: What’s behind Trump’s sudden rise to Public Enemy No. 1 of the Establishment? They tried bankrupting him over his immigration skepticism in June (even the golf tour cut business ties with Trump), and tried blacklisting him in … Continue reading

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The Long Crusade: Profiles in Education Reform, 1967-2014 by Raymond Wolters

I interview historian Raymond Wolters Tuesday evening. He is the author of The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation (1984), Du Bois and His Rivals (2005), The New Negro on Campus: Black College Rebellions of the 1920s (1975), … Continue reading

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WP: Meet the White House’s first transgender staffer

You couldn’t make up something more beautiful and more Jewish. Tikkun olam! From the Washington Post: Freedman-Gurspan’s previous job was at the National Center for Transgender Equality, where she worked as a policy adviser for the Racial and Economic Justice … Continue reading

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