Monthly Archives: August 2015

Warning Signs For Female Infidelity

From Chateau Heartiste: The corn&porn arm of the MSM is catching up with CH teachings. A woman has written an article about female infidelity warning signs, (supposedly culled from women who have cheated on their partners), and the information sounds … Continue reading

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CH: Status Whoring SWPLs And Pitbulls

I had a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) girlfriend who once had a relationship with a black felon. She told me she’d rather I was a felon than a Republican. She was loony left-wing but had redeeming traits. She also shared … Continue reading

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Recovering Your Sanity By Turning Your Back On Modernity

Commenter Dan at Mangan’s writes: I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a dozen years ago. It was not a misdiagnosis then. I was a mess with run ins with the police and mental institutions and a suicide attempt where my … Continue reading

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Translating Good White Liberal Speak

From Heartiste: “dangerous” = black “bad” = black “sketchy” = black “marginal” = black “touch and go” = black “rough” = black “crime prone” = black “inconvenient” = no cabs = black “gun free zone” = black, as translated from … Continue reading

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Another Woman Complains About Lack Of Female Directors In Hollywood

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You don’t understand Leah at all. All she is saying is ‘it’s not fair!’ Which really means that she feels that it’s not fair. Which is an entirely different argument from one about equality. It … Continue reading

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