Monthly Archives: July 2015

Nature Beats Nurture

From Vox Populi: Genetic science is not only destroying the last 50 years of educational policy, but social policy in general. The fact that up to 65 percent of the difference in academic results are genetic also explains why the … Continue reading

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Jonathan Pollard To Go Free?

From Wikipedia: Four former directors of Naval Intelligence — William Studeman, Sumner Shapiro, John L. Butts, and Thomas Brooks — issued a public response to the call for clemency, and what they termed “the myths that have arisen from this … Continue reading

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Men Who Fear Women

Camille Paglia says: We are formed by all kinds of strange or vague memories from childhood. That kind of understanding is needed to see that Cosby was involved in a symbiotic, push-pull thing with his wife, where he went out … Continue reading

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How Do You Look At Women?

My married friend says that when he sees a woman, his first thought is not about relations (nor his second nor his third). He says that when he watches women’s soccer, he thinks about the play. “Nice pass” and that … Continue reading

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Stories Of Recovery

I love listening to stories of recovery. This one is share #40 from the unofficial Underearners Anonymous Dropbox. “Before this program, I was spiritually dead. I had no relationships that were not based on what can I get out of … Continue reading

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