Monthly Archives: July 2015

Why My Biracial Son Doesn’t Want To Date Jewish Girls

Ayanna Nahmias writes: Any man I’m with has to be committed to raising my son as his own. It’s very hard for a man to do that if he can’t see himself in a child — and that would be … Continue reading

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What to Do When Your App Is Racist

Paul Ciotti: Andrew Marantz seems really pissed at the idea of SketchFactor, which he clearly thinks was almost blatantly racist. Okay fine. He may be right. (I wasn’t able to find it to test it). He’s even mad that the … Continue reading

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The Blog Chateau Heartiste Has Gone Hardcore Race Realist

Here are excerpts from the past few months: * “A large minority, perhaps a majority, of black Americans are incapable of civilized behavior to the standard of white norms without a strong pimp hand to keep them in line.” * … Continue reading

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Diversity Destroys Trust

From Chateau Heartiste: Mass non-white immigration to white countries erodes social trust, which decreases the support for wealth redistribution to groups of swarthies who act and look very differently than your friends and family, hence increased “economic freedom”. Related: A … Continue reading

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Mattress Girl Made A Porno

Chateau Heartiste: This is a Nimitz Class Attention Whore (and Control Freak; she wants to shove her smelly snatch in men’s faces and sadistically deny their male sexuality by demanding their desexualized consideration). And there’s no doubt she’s the type … Continue reading

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