The Blog Chateau Heartiste Has Gone Hardcore Race Realist

Here are excerpts from the past few months:

* “A large minority, perhaps a majority, of black Americans are incapable of civilized behavior to the standard of white norms without a strong pimp hand to keep them in line.”

* “The truth is” — Autonomic female verbal tic meaning “the truth is not”.

* “Men give women what they think women deserve. If you look like a good-to-go slut and you have a Tinder profile, most men will think you deserve little more than a …”

* “All women are capable of exploiting men for emotional and financial provider services. What separates the manipulative woman from the endearing sweetheart is something more than simply differences in innate characteristics: It’s the exploitability of the men they meet and date.”

* “Findings reveal that while communication patterns tend to be supportive and relationship-focused in women’s bathrooms, the graffiti in men’s bathroom walls are replete with sexual content and insults, in the course of the construction of hegemonic masculinity.”

* “Most women (read: non-reptiles) are happier raising kids than they are raising profit margins. Most men are happier in the office than they are at home changing diapers. Men and women are different to their cores, and feminism is a project of lies with the goal of eradicating those core differences.”

* “Mad Men is the expectoration of Matthew Weiner’s low T combined with his envy of the Winkelvoss golem and his lifelong mixed feelings for his overbearing Jewish mother.”

* “Do the Western cultural elite have a death wish? Do they WANT normal, good people to hate them with a fury? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if they keep it up. And the washout won’t be pretty in pink.”

* “I dream one day the world’s HR broads have to sit through a 45 minute powerpoint presentation on false rape accusations.”

* “The nation has taken a wholesale turn away from beauty and toward ugliness. We embrace the ugly, castigate those “beauty bitter clingers”, and rejoice at the death of judgement. All the while our spirits and our bodies turn into formless pulp, manifesting our new beliefs, and we become ripe for defeat by more vital outsiders.”

* “Lena Dunham despisers, aka normal well-adjusted people, aren’t threatened by her any more than they’re threatened by a steaming wet pile of dog shit they almost stepped in. But they’re still gonna make a face and demand that the dog owner clean up the mess.”

* “You can tell a feminist coven is about to begin their occult clitual when one of them salutes the “sultriness” of the homeliest skank in the group.”

* “Sexual infidelity is a man’s worst fear, while love and resource infidelity are a woman’s worst fear.”

* “Glibly charming people who lie pathologically or who have been caught stealing should be like a flashing red warning light.”

* “When a man is seeking to settle down with a lifelong lover and mother of his future children, he wants the BEST DEAL HE CAN GET. If he plans to invest everything in one woman, you bet he’ll make sure he’s getting good return on investment.”

* “Friendzoning is almost entirely the province and prerogative of prime nubility women subconsciously (or knowingly) abiding their alpha fux, beta hugs Darwinian Directive.”

Christopher Donnellan Luke has been mining ‘the manosphere’ for articles lately.

Miriam Lilian D Or First, he came for the Mexicans, then the Colombians, then the feminists, now beta males and infidelity. I can’t help but sit at the edge of my seat when I read his posts.

Christopher Donnellan You forgot the Russians. He’s been hating on the Russkies lately. I wonder, did he get turned down for a date by a Russian girl?

* “What many women consider to be friendship is little more than them cultivating sexual attraction in men they have no interest in, so that they can harvest ego strokes. That’s why any man worth his salt knows the number one rule: never take advice about women from women.”

* “Men who want admiration, devotion and loyalty from a lover would do well to avoid dating (or god forbid marrying) any woman who could challenge them in the bed post notch department. Virgins aren’t prized the world over for no reason.”

* “The more alpha fux a woman has accumulated over her prime fertility years (without commitment from any of them), the worse she’ll behave toward any beta males unfortunate or stupid enough to take on the role of her sloppy sixtieths.”

* “Some lower smv women prop up their self esteem by being bitches to men who approach them because in some way it must allow them to feel like they are emulating the behaviour of women with higher smv and like they have choices (ultimately they don’t).”

* “Observing her Christian missionary parents doting on their black babies and converting the noble savages in Africa, eventually young Rachel Dolezal came to equate being black with being loved.”

* “Now that the media industrial complex is a wholly-owned subsidiary and propaganda arm of the globo-equalist ruling elite, the opportunity to devise and execute a conspiracy to neuter enemies, and get away with it, has never been more tempting.”

* SELF-PITYING PRINCESS: oh whoa is me, whoa is me yada yada mada yada yada fada welcome to camp grenada…
There ya go. That’s it. “I understand.” No more need be said. Let her smear her make-up all over you and when her aqueduct is about run dry you express your very succinct understanding.
Oh sure, if you want to be creative, you can refract your response through a female narcissism filter.
“It’s right for you to feel bad.”
I swear 99% of the time this strategy (as elementary as it is) will leave you in her higher esteem than before. Why? Because women don’t want answers to their problems; they want wagon circling sympathy feels. And they LOVE LOVE LOVE a man who will step aside and let them have their emotional cleansing once in a while.

* “The girl wants to feel your power and charm first, affection distant third. The problem with the more romantically earnest sort of beta males is that they start with the affection, and then clumsily try to segue to the power and charm when they see that their affection is driving the girl away. It never ends well.”

Miriam Lilian D Or Who in the world would want to date a beta male, anyways.

Paul Ciotti I figure that perhaps only 10% of the men out there are alpha males. If these are the only men one dates what do you do when that ten percent supply is taken? Be single, childless and chaste?

Miriam Lilian D Or I never had a problem with it, usually men get interested when they know I want them to take the lead. If I had the choice between being single and childless or marry a guy who is going to be scared of me, has no life ambition, conformist etc…I don’t know what’s worse.

Paul Ciotti It’s true that beta males may be scared of women in comparison to alpha males. But from what I know beta males may also have intense (quiet) ambition, be far less conformist than alpha males and in general be miles ahead when it comes to creativity. I once read a column where the author observed in passing that the best comic strip artists were beta males. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Miriam Lilian D Or Hmm, interesting. I don’t know any betas though. I don’t know how it would work, I’m of a submissive personality.

Paul Ciotti Make friends with a cartoonist. He’ll appreciate your having taken an interest in him and you’ll enjoy his wit.

* “The more a girl has her ego stroked by a phalanx of online dating desperadoes, the less she’ll feel the urge or the need to devote her full attention to any individual man unlucky enough to take her on a real world date.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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