Monthly Archives: July 2015

Love Wins!

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The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre

Heather MacDonald writes: The racist massacre of nine black worshippers at a Charleston, S.C., church on June 17 was an act of such heinous ugliness that it demands to be scrutinized for any larger meanings it may possess. That the … Continue reading

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Young, Male, and Single

Chaim Amalek writes: “ is fast becoming one of the best sources of news and commentary online. It does not always connect, and sometimes its pieces are not well grounded in reality, but on certain issues, such as race and … Continue reading

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National Intelligence and Economic Development

Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen write: Ten years ago we began our research program for the investigation of how far differencesin intelligence can explain the differences in economic development between nations in our book IQ and the Wealth of Nations(2002). … Continue reading

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Why is it that Russians are the one white people who have failed?

An American perspective: Why is it, that throughout their history, at every opportunity, Russians consistently make the wrong decision? What is it that Russians incorrectly intuit about the world? Why do they have the lowest trust most corrupt nation of … Continue reading

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