Monthly Archives: July 2015

Burying The Lede, Making The Innocent Guilty: The MSM’s New Trick To Evade Narrative Collapse

Paul Ciotti writes: The New York Times reporter said it was “chilling” that Roof had concluded that no white supremacist groups were doing anything but “talking on the Internet.” Shoot, I would have thought the New York Times would be … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: Most States Elect No Black Prosecutors

Report: The overwhelming dominance of white men among district attorneys could have huge effects on charging, enforcement, and plea bargains. It’s no mistake that the most enduring fictional prosecutors are white guys—whether they’re dignified older men like Jack McCoy or … Continue reading

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NPR: Hospitals Set New Restrictions On Who Can Perform Risky Surgeries

NPR: “So how bad can things get? Dr. John Birkmeyer at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in New Hampshire says a patient came to him after bariatric surgery at a small hospital, a hospital that didn’t perform that operation often. Before sewing up this … Continue reading

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How Can We Sell Women’s Soccer?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think the selling point is attractive girls. Women’s basketball fails cuz of too many big ugly women. But soccer women look like ‘girls next door’, at least compared to beasties in some other women’s … Continue reading

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The Best Team Money Can Buy: The Los Angeles Dodgers’ Wild Struggle to Build a Baseball Powerhouse

Link: * “A devout Christian, [Clayton] Kershaw believed that his wealth could best be used to help others in need. His faith had taught him that he needed only enough money to ensure his family never had to worry. The … Continue reading

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